Brilliance and FB everything

U Pazin U Wilatha is energized today. An associate on FB welcomed me to an evening gathering. He said he would come to school for lunch today. I never set out to trust this is on the grounds that I had never met him outside, yet I was simply hanging tight for the passageway of the school with another robe prepared to come when I really showed up.

He really utilizes a profile picture. At the point when he saw U Wilatha coming out, he said greetings in the messager. Then, at that point, he lifted his hand and came to eat. I don’t know whether I will have the option to do that, yet I don’t know whether I will have the option to do that.

In transit down from the vehicle, five PHS was pausing. I don’t know whether I will have the option to do that, yet I’m certain I will have the option to do that, and I will have the option to do that. They said, “God, I will give aid first.” Then they were preparing to give offerings. I made a video and broadcast it live. I don’t know whether I will have the option to do that, yet I don’t know whether I will have the option to do that, yet I’m not going to have the option to do that, I’m not going to have the option to do that.


The devotee is likewise a companion and brilliance. “I will do a live transmission with a tag,” he said, and it was rapidly completed. I love God. On the off chance that you don’t accept, check out the posts not posted by the supporters. Shwedagon The Great Moni Kyaik Htee Yoe Dawei proprietor Bagan Nyaung Oo Mae La Mu: I kneel and transfer photographs. Consistently I stay at home and post pictures of venerating God at home each day. Do you venerate God and send love? “

I sent it, God. Each day I used to send my devotees by courier. There is even a video of Mingun Sayadaw sending adoration to a companion. The pupil was not off-base. Presently, the educator has given me the right viewpoint. I will likewise add individuals who have been obstructed in light of the fact that she is irate. Also, … I will attempt to fill 5,000 companions rapidly so I can send more love. If it’s not too much trouble, tell me, in the event that you have any inquiries, kindly go ahead and reach me.

Not doubted IA that song pretty pool to us, Looks like BT ain’t for me with the same taken. What are the four marks of Dhamma? How might I tell you, Master? I recall. Sitagu Sayadaw The Supreme Master Ching Hai Shin Sanda Dhika Shin Skin: Oh, you are loaded with Dhamma. U Pazin Wilatha understood the genuine circumstance by composing just on the mass of the follower. Enter, investigate and have a ball! How about we call block multiple times. …. “

Bighead, little apparition

Once, before sunrise, a man passed by a memorial park and fled in dread. At that point, he heard strides following behind him. He got up and strolled quicker … furthermore, the sound of his strides got quicker. The sound of strides came nearer and he pivoted to see a little apparition with a major head and huge body. At that point, a child accompanied a major bushel and cried. This man is an exceptionally awful man. I am frightened of apparitions’, so I will cling to his and they kicked us and fleds.

God isn’t a reprobate

Gods and mythical serpents ought not to be misled. In case he is deluded, “Each time you elapse before this house, you see the risk. Each time I read this engraving composed of naval force blue material with red paint, the residents of Kyai Thee were once glad. We used to stress that there was a god in our town. Imagine a scenario in which there was a divinity. In case there is a god, there is a divinity. There are just 37 inside and outside you. There are around two football crews.

What happens when there are evil presences? Evil presences have power. It is incredible. Devils secure individuals in the town with their force. Assuming individuals are so terrified of gods, just the god who brings the gods home is all the more impressive. The genuine name is alive. It is feasible to turn out to be totally lesbian.

In the town, lesbians are uncommon, so individuals are consistently odd to Thet Naing. As indicated by the neighborhood tongue, Who knows what LGBT rights are then, at that point? Simply begin following. In the town, there were antiquated gods. From Nay Pyi Taw Golden Palace Chief Minister They are the gods who are worshipped up to the huge caps. Then, at that point, came the progressive ages.

Thet Naing is the first base of mythical beings. Nightfall North Star Many sources in the field; “I don’t have a clue what the acknowledged convictions are,” he said. Butterfly Standard room It’s not that I realize that how generally will be an expert. At the hour of the avalanche, he had considered under a crisis god and gotten back to the town to purchase goods and graduated as a divinity.

Thusly, Hatchling turned into the “Divine force of Power”. Just Nat Naing, the proprietor of the electric god, went to a mountain emission once. An understudy additionally claims it. The kid said Zaw. The lesbian doesn’t appear to be. There is nothing of the sort as a tremor in a glass plant. Where to bring a lesbian? Regardless, Thet Naing, the proprietor of the amazing god, became persuasive in the town by showing the gods in his grasp.