Confusion is the basic cause of all sorts of Stupidity. There are Educational Stupidity, Relationship Stupidity, Familial Stupidity, Job Stupidity, Work Stupidity., Businesses, Creativity, and Stupidity in knowledge. And also stupidity in not recognizing past as past, present as a present, and future as future, etc. I will give you an example. You have an opportunity to teach a boy who is not too bright and you know it. To make him understand the lessons, to clarify the facts, you will go through every Teaching Techniques and sharing knowledge. You will attempt to explain how such -and – so works.

You will go over and over it and complete a botch of it. Finally. He did not understand anything you teach and grasp anything you teach. It is nothing wrong with your teaching techniques, and nothing wrong with your methods of teaching.

It is just because, he is confused. He confused about so many things. While learning and listening to you, he thinks “why I have to study English or philosophy? What for? What are the benefits of studying Philosophies? I am not going to Foreign countries, then why the hell I have to Study English? Who will talk or communicate with me in English? Etc.” these are the confusions, a student, in, and he is slower to understand it than some others who is not confused and very focus on the things they do. But, society defines them as Smart and rest of the others as stupids. Just as this. So the others all above mentioned facts.

Moral of the words

There are no Smart and Stupids. It is their levels of understanding the things, their works, and their creativity that define who they are. You can be if you’re not confused and very focused.