One Man has been becoming mysterious, and It is a quirky student. He had named Stargirl and Spending his own time. It is trying to know the permeance to her. He learns that she is kind of different; different from most of the kinds in the school; knowledgeable, wise, and very thoughtful.

You know I hardly watch movies; especially, English movies. I rather choose to watch and listen to Jason Silva and Alain De Bottom for ten hours speaking on the podcast video. Now, that is not the point I want to make. I love this movie because, it is full of philosophies and psychologies; words, thoughts, and expressions. I literarily fell in love with it.

Among many, I love one dialogue “you can’t go with someone who doesn’t exist.” Stargirl is a little bit wired, classy but most importantly, she doesn’t fit in modern society. Kids make fun of her. She feels sad, bad, and cry.

Her boyfriend tries to change her and her looks just to help her. But, these new changes make her feel even worse and she says “you can’t go with someone who doesn’t exist” and, she returns back to the same looks again. And, Speech competitions have been wined by You know sometimes, it is very important to be “Oneself” than “Others.”