Have you ever thought that not everybody has to be born with a creative mindset but it could be built? You heard right! One of the techniques, I always apply to practice and to develop my rationale and a creative mindset is listening to music (song) without lyrics several times.

After understanding the song completely, I do mind-map the story that the song tries to express, and write or type on the laptop. It helps me a lot to imagine new things when it comes to creating the lessons for students by using Mobile Phone Games like ‘Angry Bird, Roblox, Who wants to be millionaire, etc”.

If you do not believe, You do try once. Especially, the songs of Mozart’s work, though, his songs are so hard to understand; well for me. Let me know if it works for you too. While I am sharing all the valentine’s postcards that my students made and designed. It’s not computed. Neither the Internet photocopied. It is handmade. Imagine, how creative the kids nowadays are.