When I stopped tolerating all that does not align with my higher self. ⁣ I used to tolerate my own BS stories, habits, and limit.⁣ I also tolerated my ex-partner’s, friend’s, and people’s BS, stories, and excuses. I thought that if I tolerated and accepted all that, that would make me a good human. ⁣ There has a lot of that Experience taught me that it only created more problems. ⁣
But when I started to dig deeper into my Soul’s truth…⁣
What am I here to do? ⁣
Who do I want to become? ⁣
What do I want to embody? ⁣
All these layers of stories started to peel off. ⁣
People and projects started to fall off. ⁣
I started to repel anything that’s not in alignment with my higher self. ⁣
From there, an energetic container gets created. ⁣
Then I get to call in what my Soul truly desires.⁣
And I get to create a life that I truly love. ⁣
You see, this whole process may sound selfish to those who’ve never done this process before. ⁣ Or those who are still tolerating what’s not in alignment with their higher self. ⁣
However… as a single parent of a three-year-old, ⁣ Experience taught me that this is the ultimate form of love and taking responsibility. Because our children are always learning – not from what we say but from what we do. ⁣
So if I continue to allow all that limit me to be in my space, ⁣ They’ll also learn that it’s OK for them to limit themselves.⁣ Or accept people, situations, or things that aren’t in alignment with their higher self. ⁣
So if you love yourself, if you care about your children and if you want to make an impact in the world…⁣
1. Look at your life to see what you’re tolerating – $, love, job, etc.⁣
2. Release what’s no longer in alignment with your Soul⁣
3. Commit to this process daily ⁣