One day, a young boy walked into a post office and found my father at his desk. He was looking for someone to give him a job, any job. He had only a class VII education. He was first appointed as a “waterman” to fill the earthen water pots in the office with drinking water.
During this time, he prepared for his final high school exam by studying at home with books that he had borrowed. He passed the exam and became a postal clerk. He continued to study and took the B.A exam, which he passed.
Rather than being promoted to the higher rank of postal inspector, he continued as a clerk and appeared in the M.A exam, which he did well in. He then gave up his job to become a schoolteacher.
He was soon offered a job as a headmaster in a high school and established himself as an ideal headmaster a reputation that he still holds today.
What causes a young man to be motivated, while many others do not make anything of themselves although they have money and opportunities? What makes someone honest even if he is a poor rickshaw puller and another person dishonest even when he is very rich?
Why, as Tagore remarked, is it that. ” In this world, God! One who has much needs more.
The king’s hand steals from the beggar’s bowl.” How, as I remark, is it that: It is concerned with human behavior and mental processes occurred.
According to modern science or Psychology, in a Buddhist perspective, it is elucidated into two things such as Physical and Mental power, however, it can be remarked in various kinds of perspectives such as economics, science, politics, education, socials, and etc.
In here, The elucidation in short and sweet is inspiration and motivation. Inspiration belongs to mentality and Motivation belongs to physicality. That is my remark about this story.