My grandmother was an educated wise village woman. Every time, someone would blame and hit me, I used to run to my grandmother complaining. Instead of saying something to them, my grandmother used to grab my both shoulders and say “let them blame me. Every time, they blame you, it is not your mouth pain but, theirs, isn’t it?”⁣

“Yes, my grandma”⁣

“So, let them blame. Their blames do no harm to us if we do not take them.” She would teach me and my little sisters. “All that matters is the way you look at them.”⁣
Today I was reading “Old Man and His God” for the third time – written by Sudha Murthy. It’s a collection of short stories – mostly her (author’s) own personal experiences.⁣
“That’s the way it is” is the second story in the book. The story reminded me of my own grandmother and her teachings.
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One fine day. Sudha Murthy was going to the small village in Karnataka Province. It was evening and, she noticed all over the paddy fields women wondering here and there shyly. All of them had a small tin box in their hands. Sudha Murthy found it strange but, she had to go to meet the head of the village and, dismayed to have words with them.⁣
As soon as, she arrived at the house of the village head, Veerappa a wealthy man. They had prepared for her expensive dinner. After having the dinner, she just wanted to thank the cooks for the tasty meals. She went to the kitchen and thanked the cooks “the foods were tasty and I really enjoyed eating.”⁣
The cooks smiled and said “we have heard a lot about you. You have a philanthropic foundation and you help a lot of people. We just have one request. Can you build toilets in our village? It is very hard for women in the village. No matter how hard it is but, we have to control until late at night to go to the paddy fields to do the tasks.”
Now, Sudha Murthy started realizing the women in the paddy fields.⁣

Next day. She returned back to her office Infosys and, started building the toilet all over the village.⁣
After a few months later, she had built many toilets. She also had put the donation box in front of each toilet. Whenever people go to do their tasks, they had to put money – it depends on how generous and thoughtful you are and how much you are going to put. And, she had advised the village leader to use all the collected money for the shake of toilets use.⁣
Time passed on. One day, she was sitting on the bus and traveling. Behind her seat, there were two middle-aged ladies sitting. They were talking about Sudha Murthy “everyone says, Sudha Murthy is kind and supportive. But, everything for her is business. Even though, she built toilets but, she also collects money to build her business.”⁣
After hearing them for hours and hours, she wanted to talk to them but, she just controlled her emotions and murmured slowly “after all, life is the way you look at it.”⁣

How do you see, that you become?⁣

Please, write down in the comment box, what do you think about it and how do you control your anger emotion.⁣

Thank you so much for reading. Please, comment and share it with others.⁣