In his book “Attitude 101,” John C. Maxwell writes “novelist H. G. Wells held that wealth, notoriety, place, and power are no measures of success whatsoever. The only true measure of success is the ratio between what we might have been and what we have become.
In other words, success comes as the result of growing to our potential.” We have limitless potentials in life but, very few try them. Why? Because, we have the attitude called “we can do anything” but, “we cannot do everything.” That is the one reason why we do not dedicate ourselves to our purposes in life and try to do everything and, get succeed in nothing.
Maxwell says it beautifully “they become a jack-of-all-trades, master of none—rather than a jack-of-few-trades, focused on one.”If this describes you, then I am sure, you are ready to read these as well.
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It is so rare to see and hear anybody getting successful in their goals and life by having so many purposes in life like the scattered marble balls. ⁣
Remember. Reaching our purposes and goals in life needs focus. Focus on one goal and purpose and, work harder and smarter. ⁣
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David D. Glass, chairman of the executive community of the Wal-Mart board, says “one of the people I truly and deeply respect and admire is Sam Walton. There’s never been a day in his life since I’ve known him that he didn’t improve in some way.”⁣
John C. Maxwell says “commitment to continual improvement is the key to reaching your potential and to being successful.”
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Do not cling to the past, if you want to see and be successful in life. Pastor Jack Hayford says “the past is a dead issue, and we can’t gain any momentum moving toward tomorrow if we are dragging the past behind us.”⁣
If you need inspiration, watch documentaries, listen to the conversation, and read about great people like Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Mahatma Gandhi, and Helen Keller, etc. They had incredible goals and purposes in life and they succeeded by educating and saving billions of both human and animal beings.
If something bad had happened in your life; failing in government exam; boss or manager acting unfair or someone just betrayed you. Forget them all. Move on. Have one purpose and goal and, work for that.
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No matter how much you feel that so many things that had happened in life; in the past. They were so unfair to you and, they shouldn’t do that to you. Although those things may be true and unfair to you, there are still places you need to go and be.⁣ John C. Maxwell says it beautifully “your potential lies ahead of you—whether you’re eight, eighteen, forty-eight, or eighty. You still have room to improve yourself.
You can become better tomorrow than you are today. As the Spanish proverb says, “He who does not look ahead remains behind.”⁣ I hope you agree with me. Please, comment down on the comment box what you think about it. Don’t forget to share it with your family, friends, and relatives. ⁣