“To what extent is it justifiable to mock or laugh at someone’s accident or shortcomings? And how ridiculous it is to offend a guest in your backyard? Is it not better to think twice before we speak and be aware of our actions? Because such insults only lessen both the persons.

The sadness or anger of the other person might vanish after a while, but with their hearts becoming a shell for the broken remains of their ego, the bitterness would only last for long.

The buzz of pleasure you get by looking at someone suffer fades away in no time, but the seeds of hostility you plant in the other person’s mind would only grow mightier with time. You never know when your actions would come back to haunt you in the future. At times, all it takes is a glance, a giggle or a simple word to stir a hurricane of ugly fights.”

From the book called “Draupadi”