One day a boy came to Socrates, one of the great and wisest men, and said “I want to know everything.” ⁣ “If it is what you want,” Socrates said. “The follow me to the river.” ⁣ Out of curiosity, the boy also followed Socrates and went to the river. As soon as, they reached the bank of the river, Socrates said to the boy “take a close look young man and tell me what you see.”

The boy looked into the river few minutes and said “I don’t see anything.” ⁣

“Look even closer,” Socrates said. ⁣

As soon as the boy lowered his head, Socrates grabbed by the neck and shoved him under the water. The boy’s hands flailed wildly as he attempted to escape, but, Socrates’ strong grip kept a boy under the water. ⁣ When the boy was about to drown, Socrates rose the boy and pulled him away to the bank of the river. ⁣

Coughing and breathing heavily, the boy said “are you crazy, you old man? Are you trying to kill me?” ⁣ ⁣ “What did you want, when I was holding you under the water?” Socrates asked. ⁣ ⁣ “Breathe. I wanted to breathe so badly. I wanted air.”

The boy replied. ⁣

“Just like that. Don’t ever think wisdom comes easily. It takes time, energy, and patient. When you really need to know so badly, then come to me again. Right now, you just want to know but, you are not serious about it.” ⁣

This story clearly states. Nothing in life comes easily. It needs to be paid the price to get the products. Everyone has to pay the price. If you as a student want to get good grades, you need to write down the notes, read them again and again, memorize them. Underline the reading passages.⁣

Whatever you think, I don’t care but, just remember that nobody gives you free food, water, and shelter. You have to do something for them in return. That’s the deal.

Stephen Covey says “In fact, getting a good education may just be the most important price you can pay—because, perhaps more than anything else, what you do with that mass of gray material between your ears will determine your future. In fact, unless you want to be flipping burgers and living with your parents when you’re thirty years old, you’d better start paying the price now. The mental dimension of Habit 7, Sharpen the Saw, means developing brainpower through your schooling, extracurricular activities, hobbies, jobs, and other mind enlarging experiences.”⁣

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