2GIS is a catalog with a guide and GPS route. The application works without an Internet association – download the city data set and use it on the plane, metro, or when in a meandering zone.
Administrations, locations, and organizations

2GIS knows which supplier works in your home, where there is an area clinic or a mailing station. Will assist you with picking a bistro or a help place by surveys and photographs. Will show the opening times and the phone number.

Disconnected GPS route
Assuming you are driving, 2GIS will direct you along the street and caution you about the moves utilizing voice guidelines. Will consider gridlocks and obstructed roads. Will refresh the course assuming you go amiss from your way. Will assist you with observing vehicle parking garages.

Building doorways
All together not to search for an entry to a business community you want, examine 2GIS. The application knows how to go into 2.5 million organizations. On the off chance that you are searching for course bearings for public vehicle or a vehicle, 2GIS will show the best approach to the very entryway.

Plans of retail plazas
2GIS assists with exploring inside the shopping center. Shows everything: from shops, bistros, food, to ATMs. Track down places ahead of time to save time.

Public vehicle
2GIS isn’t just vehicle route, yet additionally a helpful public travel guide. It knows the schedule and online courses of public vehicle: transports, trolleybuses, minibusses and cable cars. Figure out where the transport is continuously right on the guide and know the right transport appearance time. Compact guide of city transports online on your cell phone! Likewise, 2GIS will assist you with contrasting taxi costs and let you know the exit from the metro that you want.

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