Rear Movie FX is an app that lets you produce a rear videotape that looks like a magic trick! First record a videotape of someone (or you) walking, drinking orange juice, talking or any other idea that comes to your head! After that elect a asked movie scrap and press launch! The app will reverse your videotape you’ll see people walking backwards, your friend sticking the juice out, people talking backwards!

A many ideas of videotape rear
– item kinetic magnet (you have to throw an item)
– gash a distance of paper
– throwing a distance of papier to the restroom
– drinking a juice (and sticking it out as a result)
– discovering a juice
– plutocrat attracting

Rear videotape options
– Add music
– reversed original ( circle)
-original reversed ( circle)
Give it a pass, you will be amazed! See how to play videotape in rear! You can partake the result with your musketeers of course anywhere you wante-mail etc.
