We are sharing that Satellite App which is useful when you are going to screen recorder. It will help you how to use. Thus, we are sharing that.

How does it work ? It is just enable the GPS in your phone. And you can enter your GPS location, select the desired TV satellite . It will be antenna location and point your phone to the sky to target (find) the TV satellite. You have found the satellite when the white ball is in the white circle and the cyan ball is in the cyan circle.

Align, in azimuth, the offset arm of the satellite dish to the cyan arrow on the phones display and the satellite dish is aligned in azimuth with the satellite. Selectable audio tone, camera preview, continuous mode (no pause), color pickers or a user defined satellite position may make it easier for you to find the desired TV satellite. The satellite list contains 280 satellites.

Selectable audio tone, camera preview, continuous mode (no pause), color pickers or a user defined satellite position may make it easier for you to find the desired TV satellite. The satellite list contains 280 satellites. Optional you can take a photo (resized)/screenshot by touching on the director tab. The photo/screenshot is ONLY stored on the phones memory card.
Optional: you can get an indication when you are to close to iron (dish/pole) in the form of an green/yellow/red bar.

Satellite positions are derived from Agi’s database. Some positions may seem not accurate (example: Hispasat 30°w is at 29.96°w in the satellite list) but they are very accurate.

New phones with Android 4: in case of a wrong compass reading the “Settings” screen has options to correct the compass readings.

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